Dental Filling

The Art of Repairing And Restoring Damaged Teeth.

Dentistry’s Most Advanced Restoratives

A dental filling is an affordable, non-invasive treatment done on decayed teeth to fill the cavity and halt the bacteria from damaging teeth any further. There are several types of filling material that maybe tooth colored, silver colored and even made out of gold.

At Denta Care Clinic, we use high quality materials, latest technology and advanced techniques to provide restorations for our patients that last a lifetime. Our goal is to create restorations that are designed to look natural and undetectable.

Are you experiencing some discomfort in your teeth when you eat sweet food or sip a cold beverage? You may need a filling! Our best dentists will evaluate your teeth and recommend the right treatment for you. Fillings are typically done on decayed, cracked or chipped teeth.

Types of Dental Filling

There are several types of fillings, your trusted dentist will discuss and help you choose accordingly.

Composite filling

They come in different shades of natural tooth to match your tooth color the best. They are made out of resin material that gives them good strength and creates a bond with your natural tooth structure.

Glass ionomer filling

They are tooth colored fluoride releasing material best suitable for children. They protect the teeth from further decay but are not as long lasting and powerful as other filling materials.

Silver Amalgam filing

They are the most popular and the earliest filling material used in dentistry. It is durable, strong and least expensive than other fillings; the only drawback is its silver color.

Gold filling

They are high strength long-lasting dental filling material. They are expensive than other fillings and require more than one dental visit to have them fitted.

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